When people think about wellness, usually what comes to mind is eating tons of green superfoods and insane yoga poses. Wellness, however, is more than that – it is a holistic approach to being well in all areas of your life. This includes feeling at peace in your home environment.
This is where the Danish concept of “hygge” comes in. It became quite a trend a few years ago, but it still stands as an excellent method of creating harmony in your home. After all, Denmark is home to some of the happiest people on earth.
Hygge is all about a sense of coziness, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere, and enjoying your life with good people around you. Creating a comfortable living space increases your wellness by making you less anxious and actually decreasing your cortisol levels. It is so hard to be mentally well if you don’t feel at ease and safe in your own home, so being intentional about the way you keep your home is beneficial to your overall happiness.
Here are a few ways you can incorporate the “hygge” attitude into your home:
Hygge isn’t just about decor, but feeling a sense of togetherness with the people around you. Once you’ve spruced up the house, invite close friends over for a get together, but keep it casual and relaxed.