How to Reach Your Wellness Goals in 2022

By now we are at the end of January and a month in to our New Years resolutions. Maybe you thought about going to the gym,  eating healthier running a marathon, or becoming a yoga master. At this point in the year, many people start to give up on their goals they set for themselves. Whatever your goal is, there are some things you can do to help you stick to it in 2022.

Dr. Paul Drago is an Otolaryngology and ENT specialist who is passionate about promoting the importance of nutrition, health, and wellness by taking a holistic approach. He shares his top tips for reaching your wellness goals in 2022.

  • Write down your goals somewhere that you will see them every day, such as above your desk or on your refrigerator. You could even make a vision board full of pictures to help keep you motivated. Seeing your goals in front of you will help keep them in the front of your mind. 
  • Be realistic about your goals. It takes a long time to permanently change habits. Start with smaller changes at first, and once you get a hang of that, turn it up a notch.
  • Switch up your exercises. Doing the same thing all of the time gets boring really fast, and you wont follow through with your goals if they bore you. Plus, having a varied exercise plan is better for your health anyway.
  • Find a resolution buddy who has similar goals to you. Do your workouts together, talk about recipes, mental health, etc. Having someone to hold you accountable to your goals will make it way more likely that you’ll reach them. 


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