A Quick Guide for Intellectual Wellness

Did you know that there are eight different facets of wellness? Wellness takes into account all of the different ways we can feel fulfilled in our lives and thrive instead of just survive. Dr. Paul Drago is a health and wellness specialist that believes in taking a holistic approach that includes a balance of nutrition, fitness, and mental health care. Today he shares his tips for practicing intellectual wellness.


Intellectual wellness is all about creativity, critical thinking, learning, and skill development. It is important that we nourish and challenge our brains in order to feel fulfilled in our lives. Here are a few activities you can incorporate into your routine in order to engage your brain and practice intellectual wellness:

  • Do something outside of your comfort zone. This can be as simple as trying a new hobby. Have you always wanted to learn how to paint? Don’t worry about the outcome, just start doing it. Doing new things actually changes the structure of the brain and develops new neural pathways.
  • Travel somewhere you have never been. Noticing a theme? Being exposed to different people, cultures, and ideas is a great way to stimulate your intellect and open up your mind to different possibilities. That’s what intellectual wellness is all about. While you are at it, try learning at least a few phrases on a different language and try your skills out on the locals.
  • Read a good book. It doesn’t matter what it’s about. Reading anything will engage your imagination and even help expand your vocabulary. Reading has also been shown to reduce stress. You can even put on an audiobook while you do your chores if you don’t have a lot of time to sit down and read.

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