Health, Wellness & Nutrition

So what is ‘healthy eating’ anyway? As a Nutrition Support Consultant, Dr. Paul Drago removes the ambiguity that sometimes makes a nutrition-based diet difficult to understand.

How to Eat Healthy

What works for one person, may not work for another.  ‘Eating healthy’ means something different for everyone.  And that’s okay!  By working with a Nutrition Expert like Dr. Paul Drago, you can tap into what a healthy diet looks like for your body and your individual goals.

Too often, people neglect to focus on nutrition.  From keto cycles to juice cleanses and every trend between, it’s all too easy to be swayed by the flashy claims of the next fad diet.  In Dr. Drago’s experience, following the next popular fad diet can do more harm than good. 

Whether you’re looking to lose weight, gain mass or improve your strength, it’s important to

While you may see results in the beginning of the journey, there’s no guarantee that the pay off will continue.  That’s why he encourages his clients — and readers of his health and wellness series — to focus on what’s constant, rather than what’s current.  And that’s nutrition!

Nutrition Support Consultations

Dr. Paul Drago is happy to offer nutrition support consultations purely on an entertainment and educational basis only.  Drawing on his decades of experience as a healthcare professional, Dr. Drago understands nutrition from the inside-out.  This is critical when it comes to constructing a truly effective diet plan or wellness routine.  Time and time again, it’s proven that a balance of healthy eating and fitness training is the most efficient and effective way to achieve our goals.  Eating a balanced diet that is as nutritious as it is delicious is critical in maintaining optimal health and wellness.  As a Nutrition Support Consultant, Dr. Drago is happy to help formulate individualized nutrition plans that work for your body type and your goals.

Eat a variety of food

Cut back on salt

Limit sugar intake

Reduce use of certain fats and oil

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