Healthy Tips and Tricks

Hygge and Wellness

When people think about wellness, usually what comes to mind is eating tons of green superfoods and insane yoga poses. Wellness, however, is more than that – it is a holistic approach to being well in all areas of your life. This includes feeling at peace in your home environment.

Nonprofit Helping Children Smile

Operation Smile is a nonprofit organization that was founded in 1982 and provides treatment for children born with cleft conditions. Across the globe, about one in every 500 to 750 children are born with a cleft condition. This happens during pregnancy when a gap in the mouth does not close correctly.

Walk For Wellness In 2022

After the New Year, many people are looking to make resolutions for their health and wellness. Tons of people set high expectations about exercise or healthy eating only for them to give up on the resolution a month or so into the year.

How to Reach Your Wellness Goals in 2022

By now we are at the end of January and a month in to our New Years resolutions. Maybe you thought about going to the gym,  eating healthier running a marathon, or becoming a yoga master. At this point in the year, many people start to give up on their goals they set for themselves. Whatever your goal is, there are some things you can do to help you stick to it in 2022.

How to Start a Morning Wellness Ritual

We all have some kind of morning ritual. Wake up, make coffee, brush your teeth, get dressed, drive to work, etc. Taking the time to intentionally plan out your morning though, can have amazing benefits that last throughout the day. Rushing through the morning in a groggy haze isn’t ideal, so incorporating wellness at the start of your day can have a huge impact.

A Quick Guide for Intellectual Wellness

Did you know that there are eight different facets of wellness? Wellness takes into account all of the different ways we can feel fulfilled in our lives and thrive instead of just survive. Dr. Paul Drago is a health and wellness specialist that believes in taking a holistic approach that includes a balance of nutrition, fitness, and mental health care. Today he shares his tips for practicing intellectual wellness.

How to Support Occupational Wellness

Depending on who you ask, there can be as many as five to twelve different types of wellness. One of those types is known as occupational wellness. Simply put, occupational wellness has to do with the satisfaction you feel surrounding the work you do and your work-life balance. Our jobs and careers take up a large portion of our lives, so it is important to nurture that aspect of life in order to thrive in life.

Top Articles

Hygge and Wellness

When people think about wellness, usually what comes to mind is eating tons of green superfoods and insane yoga poses. Wellness, however, is more than that – it is a holistic approach to being well in all areas of your life. This includes feeling ...

Nonprofit Helping Children Smile

Operation Smile is a nonprofit organization that was founded in 1982 and provides treatment for children born with cleft conditions. Across the globe, about one in every 500 to 750 children ar...

Walk For Wellness In 2022

After the New Year, many people are looking to make resolutions for their health and wellness. Tons of people set high expectations about exercise or healthy eating only for them to give up on the ...

How to Reach Your Wellness Goals in 2022

By now we are at the end of January and a month in to our New Years resolutions. Maybe you thought about going to the gym,  eating healthier running a marathon, or becoming a yoga master. At t...